3 Steps You Should Take When Trying Street Food with Your Kids


Most travelers can’t resist the allure of the street food, and it’s easy to see where they’re coming from. It’s cheap, delicious, and authentic in the best way possible, and here are three steps you should follow when trying it with your kids.

Do Your Research

You shouldn’t buy street foods at the first stall you come across. Do your research beforehand to discover the best places to eat with your family, and opt for dishes that seem the most interesting. Most places also offer a variety of street foods you’re already familiar with, from burgers and fries to ice cream and donuts.

Small & Simple

Speaking of sticking to familiar territory, taking baby steps is the winning formula when trying street foods with your little ones. Opt for simple dishes that don’t look too intimidating and consider giving them a bite of your own food before ordering full portions.

Let Them Choose

You shouldn’t push your kids to try street food unless they want to, and the good news is – they probably will. Most children are curious by nature, and they’ll be drawn to many street foods during your travels, so let them try the ones that feel like a safe choice.


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