Honey really is an incredible substance, full with a variety of fructose, trace enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids – it really is quite unlike any other sweetener. Let’s take a look at the multitude of uses and benefits honey has and then I’ll let you decide if risking the stings is worth it…
Thanks to its complex make-up and the handiwork of bees, honey has often been called the food that truly lasts forever. Its indefinite shelf life stems from a host of different factors including the way in which it is created.The fanning action from the bees’ wings and the enzymes from their stomachs create a liquid that is both highly acidic and low in moisture which makes the sticky stuff an impossible host for bacteria. It’s been said that archeologists found jars of the stuff in Egyptian tombs, dating back over 2000 years – and they still tasted delicious.
The thought of parasites anywhere is enough to give me the shivers, but inside my body – its even worse. Turns out a homemade concoction of vinegar, honey and water can get rid of all those unwanted parasites in one go. Sounds worth it to me.
Never mind what the television commercials say – highly priced facial cleansers may not always be the best solution for curing acne. It has been said that by smoothing a few handfuls of warm honey onto the troubled area of your skin and leaving it for a few minutes before washing it off with warm water can absolutely help clear the troublesome spots.
The type of nectar the bees use to create honey can actually have a direct effect on the colour, flavour and even scent of the honey you eat. While also taking climate and location into account, there are in fact more than 300 unique types of honey available all originating from a different floral source. The rule of thumb is that the lighter the color the milder the taste.
Ancient History shows that honey was used for a variety of different things. The ancient Egyptians for one used to offer the sweet stuff to their gods, but more importan;y made use of the sweet stuff as a dressing for wounds and as well as an embalming fluid – you know, for mummies and stuff. Today, many people use honey for it’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. I mean who hasn’t sipped honey and lemon tea to help soothe a sore throat? In fact – holistic practitioners consider it one of nature’s best remedies.
Made up of a complete mix of all life’s natural sources, from water to oxidants, minerals and vitamins – honey is in fact one of the only food sources that contains all the vital ingredients to sustain life. Remember those “if you were stuck in the wilderness and you could only take 3 objects to help you survive” questions from school. Honey would be number 1 on my list.
With the large amounts of stress and anxiety the work place and, I suppose, life in general has on us today – insomnia and difficulty sleeping is becoming an increasingly common issue. Next time you are struggling to unwind from a hectic day try sipping some hot water and honey, or tea and honey as a means to calm yourself. The all natural sweet stuff has a remarkable way of soothing your nerves, and helping you sleep.
While sugar as a sweetener is considered unhealthy, honey as a natural sweetener actually contains a treasure chest of nutrients. The sweet golden liquid contains enzymes that help with digestion and help to give our immune system that extra boost. As the key to an all round natural energy boost, honey is also known to help with bone strengthening, weight loss and the management of your bowel movements. Do you need more convincing?
As the after effects of the sun, weather, pollution and ahem, age take it’s toll on our skin, turns out the solution could be right in that glorious golden jar in the kitchen cupboard. With its composition of antioxidants a face mask made up of honey, smeared on your dry skin or wrinkles for just 30 minutes – could be the perfect DIY skin treatment, helping you to regain that youthful glow.