How to Enjoy a Peaceful Sleep on the Plane


Whether you’re lounging in first class or battling to catch some winks on a cramped seat in coach, sleeping on a plane can be incredibly difficult. Fortunately, with some tweaks, you can get to bed much quicker. Here are some hacks to help you enjoy a peaceful sleep while flying.

Consider the Time Zone

Although plane seats can be uncomfortable, one reason you may struggle to sleep is because you actually don’t need it. After all, on international trips, you may be headed to new time zones meaning that you might want to sleep when it’s night in your home country and not overseas. Be aware of time zone changes so you can time your naps as this may help you fall asleep at the right time.

Pack A Sleep Kit

From ear plugs to block out the noise to a soft, velvet blindfold, neck pillow, and blanket, consider designing your own sleep kit that you can take with you every time you fly. This will enable you to foster the most comfortable possible environment for you to sleep in.

Consider What You Drink

If you love getting your fix of coffee or perhaps sipping on energy drinks, think twice before boarding the plane. Caffeine can give you an energy boost that will make it harder to fall asleep.


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