If you’d love to take a luxurious vacation without breaking the bank, then your loyalty to your credit card company could come in handy. After all, you might have racked up a substantial number of points over the years. Here is your guide to using credit card points to pay for your vacation.
Set Your Travel Goals
Whether it’s flying first class or staying in a luxury hotel, it’s important to determine your travel priorities. This is because while your points may cover some expenses, they may not cover everything, so at least ensure that they pay for the things you want the most.
How to Earn Points
Although your program may allow you to earn points on every purchase, sometimes certain purchases or store categories earn you more than others. Make sure to read through your credit card provider’s points structure carefully to maximize your earnings ahead of your vacation.
Take Advantage Of Special Offer
If you don’t yet have a credit card with a loyalty program or are looking to switch, then make sure to get a step up by signing up for a credit card with sign-up bonuses and deals. For example, the Platinum Card by American Express has a welcome offer of 150,000 membership points as well as airport lounge access.