If You Love Nature Head to These Areas in Spain 


Many people head to Spain each year as a vacation and travel destination. It’s a country with a vast range of cultures, history, and landscapes. It’s an incredibly hilly and mountainous area, as well as having dense woods and forests. It also has a great deal of coast to explore, as well as stunning rivers and lakes. If you love these kinds of things in natural landscapes, then here are three areas you must visit in Spain. 

Parque Natural Sierra de Grazalema

Located down south in Andalucia, this amazing natural park is not to be missed if you’re a lover of green landscapes with rocky outcrops and stunning lakes. There is plenty of rain in this area, resulting in luscious trees and impressive bodies of water. 

Serres de Cardó-el Boix

This hilly region is not far from Tarragona in Catalonia and is located along the river Ebro. it’s not far from the coast where the Ebro enters the sea, and the river is wide and powerful. Standing up on the hills you can look down through beautiful olive and pine trees to the sparkling green water.

Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve

This natural park is located right on the coast to the east of Bilbao in Basque Country. If you feel invigorated by the sight of pointy hills covered in trees and greenery rising out of the ocean then this is the place for you.


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