Prehistoric Monuments in England to Add to Your Bucket List


England is one of the countries which form the United Kingdom located in the continent of Europe. It’s very small but has a rich and colorful history that dates back to ancient times. Many areas have well-preserved remains of civilizations from prehistorical times which are exciting places to visit. Here are just a few to add to your travel bucket list. 

Stonehenge, Salisbury

Arguably one of the most famous ancient monuments in the world, this iconic stone circle has puzzled people for generations. Dating back to 3000 BCE, the stones themselves are an incredible site to see, and the museum and visitor center offer additional information to help us understand this fascinating site better.

Avebury, Wiltshire

Even older and bigger than Stonehenge, the village of Avebury is surrounded by stone circles. This includes Britain’s largest stone circle which originally contained about 100 stones. Wandering around this area is an amazing trip back in time and there are various other ancient ceremonial sites to see nearby. 

Castlerigg Stone Circle, Cumbria

This is one of Britain’s oldest stone circles, and its impressive location makes it even more spectacular to see. Nestled in the wild hills of the Lake District near Keswick, the beautiful backdrop and panoramic views make this ancient site even more special. 


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