travel trends


5 Viral Travel Trends That 2024 Will Be Remembered By

After twelve epic months, 2024 is finally coming to an end, and it’s given us some pretty quirky travel trends along the way. From...

“Peak Travel” Named the Top Travel Trend of 2025 by Pinterest

We’ve reached that time of the year when trend predictions are popping up everywhere, and it was just a matter of time before Pinterest...

Quiet Travel is the Newest Travel Trend—Here’s What to Know

Have you heard of the latest travel trend? It's called quiet travel. No, we're not talking about solo trips to deserted islands (tempting as...

“Hush Trips” Are All the Rage Right Now, But What Are They?

Remote working has been on the rise for quite some time and it led to the emergence of several major travel trends. “Hush trips”...


Em’s Budget Travel Isn’t Letting Her 9-5 Job Stop Her From Exploring the World

Most travel bloggers with a huge social media following have flexible remote jobs that allow them to travel the world, but not Em’s Budget...

Pros & Cons of Hop-On Hop-Off Buses Worth Keeping in Mind

Hop-on hop-off buses can be found in pretty much every major city, and many tourists rely on them when trying to explore all the...

3 Best Amusement Parks to Visit in Sydney, Australia With Your Family

Family-friendly attractions are scattered all around Sydney, and you won’t run out of places to choose from if your kids want to visit an...