This Couple Spent 24 Years Building an Amazing Handmade Island


A Vancouver couple have been building their own floating fortress for almost 25 years now and finally they think their sustainable village is complete.

Wayne Adams and Catherine King started constructing the handmade island, which is situated on the coast of Vancouver Island British Columbia, back in 1992 and 24 years lather the couple consider it complete.

The pair grow and fish for their own food and get water from a nearby waterfall during the summer and from rainwater during the winter, making them totally self-sufficient.

Their home, which has been named the “Freedom Cove” consists of 12 floating platforms which are made up of a dance floor, an art gallery, a guest lighthouse, a studio for Adams and King, and 5 greenhouses.

Just goes to show you that if you want your own private island, you don’t have to be some eccentric billionaire, all you need is about 20 spare years and some elbow grease.


Jessica P
Jessica P
Jessica has been writing for several years now but only recently decided to turn the hobby into a profession. She loves food, eating, cooking, and traveling around the world to find delicious cuisine.
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