This Restaurant has a Menu Made Entirely out of Emojis


Gaggan is an Indian restaurant that’s been crowned one of the best restaurants of its kind. Until the owners decided to make an all-emoji menu. Gaggan’s menu is literally a one-pager of just 22 emojis.

Each emoji is supposed to represent a dish, if the clients get it. In fact it is really hard to understand and guess what the emoji are supposed to represent.

It might get a bit frustrating especially if you’re hungry and all you want to do is eat. To be fair though, some of the dishes really look like the emoji. For instance, “Kiss Me” is a dish represented by a kissing emoji. And the course really look like one! It is made with Yuzu Jelly and Litchi, served on a leaf.

Only at the end of the meal, diners are presented with a different version of the same menu. This one has names of the dishes and not only emojis. Not only that, the restaurant also updates its emojis.

The owner is the famous Chef Gaggan Anand, who has described his food as “progressive Indian cuisine.” The food he makes is extremely creative and it tastes super well! Among the various dishes, there is an Indian sushi with an edible plastic bag!


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