Unless you just happen to be a billionaire, with an endless assortment of funds at your disposal, then there is a strong possibility that you have either lived on a budget at one point in time or you are currently living on one. Some budget might be more restrictive than others but at the end of the day the majority of us have to monitor our spending and ensure that our expenditure does not surpass our income.
Staying true to their promise of low cost and high performance, the WOW airline based in Iceland is offering a $99 deal to their customers. The WOW Air’s deal is inclusive of one way flights departing from a variety of cities in the U.S. to the capital city of Iceland, Reykjavik; for those of us on a budget or even those of us who are able to recognize a great deal when we so one, WOW Air’s budget flight is an opportunity to vacation on a budget.
The first half of what can be called the WOW Air’s budget flights will commence from January 2018 through to May of the same year; departing from cities such as Chicago, Washington, Miami, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Boston, and Los Angeles on selected dates.
The second half of the deal is scheduled to come in effect in September and expected to last until the end of October; these flights are expected to depart from cities such as New York, Cleveland, and Connation on specific dates with the destination of Reykjavik in common.