Try to Avoid These Tourist Mistakes While in Bangkok, Thailand


Bangkok is the world’s most visited city, and for good reason. It really has it all—stunning historical and religious sites, vibrant culture, exceptional food, and endless entertainment options. But if you want to experience all of that in the best way possible, make sure to avoid these tourist mistakes.

Booking Accommodation at the Wrong Location

Bangkok is huge and getting from point A to point B can be challenging, especially due to frequent traffic jams. If you don’t want to lose precious time, make sure to book accommodation at a convenient location. Research attractions you are most interested in seeing beforehand, and book an accommodation at a location that is nearest to them.

Exchanging Currency Before Arriving in Bangkok

Credit cards are widely accepted in Bangkok but you will need to have some of Thailand’s local currency baht to pay for certain services or at street shops and food stalls. However, don’t make a mistake and exchange money before arriving to Bangkok. This is because the exchange offices in Thailand offer much better rates compared to what you would receive in United States.

Not Wearing Sunscreen

This is a type of a mistake that can ruin your entire trip. The sun in Bangkok is quite tricky and you might end up with sun burns if you expose your skin without protection for less than an hour. Walking around in pain and all red is no fun. So make sure to bring a lot of sunscreen with high factor and apply it regularly.

Not Being Cautious of Tourist Scams

Just like in all major tourist destinations, tourist scams are quite frequent in Bangkok. Always be cautious about things you are not familiar with. For example, make sure to agree on a price before entering a Tuk Tuk and refuse their offers to make a short stop at a “great” shop, refuse services and proposals from strangers on the street, and don’t believe anyone telling you that a popular attraction is closed and that they know a better one. 


Jas C
Jas C
Jasmin can write about almost everything except about himself. All you need to know is that he likes music, Nutella stuffed pancakes and sleeping till noon on Sundays.
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