Ways to Fly For Free or Close


Traveling is one of the few things in life that really makes you richer. It does broaden your horizons, it makes you discover new cultures and points of view and leaves you with unforgettable memories. However, it is extremely expensive. We have found some ways to pay almost nothing to travel.

Firstly, get a frequent flier card with an airline. This rewards card with airlines really pay off after a while. Second trick, volunteer to get bumped from a flight. If you’re flexible, then volunteer to get off the plane on overbooked ones. You will get upgraded to a better seat on the next flight and receive vouchers for future flights! Inside tip: Get the airline to raise their voucher by $25, $50. Don’t miss out on the opportunity!

Third, know the facts if you get bumped from the plane involuntarily. The US Department of Transportation states: “If the airline arranges substitute transportation [after bumping you] that is scheduled to arrive at your destination between one and two hours after your original arrival time (between one and four hours on international flights), the airline must pay you an amount equal to 200 percent of your one-way fare to your final destination that day, with a $675 maximum…

If the substitute transportation is scheduled to get you to your destination more than two hours later (four hours internationally), or if the airline does not make any substitute travel arrangements for you, the compensation doubles (400 percent of your one-way fare, $1350 maximum).”

So the last tip would be: Complain, but only if you have a reason. You can receive lots of things if you complain wisely! Have a safe and free flight!


Tedd D
Tedd D
Sports and staying active are Tedd’s life. He has been playing sports since he was five and ran Track and Field in college. There is nothing he enjoys more than watching Sunday Night Football with his friends. Just get him some chips and dip and he’s good to go.
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