You Have Never Seen Such Beautiful Tulip Fields


It is that time in the year again, that amazing flourishing season when all the tulips are blooming. It happens annually all across Holland, where millions of beautiful National flowers bloom and create incredible landscapes.

Millions of visitors are attracted each year. The period is from March until mid-May. The location to visit is the North Sea dunes, an area between Leiden and Den Helder where you can see the stunning fields of tulips.

On top of this gorgeous view, tourist can also visit the Keukenhof, a historic 32-acre park packed with not only tulips but also hyacinths, daffodils and many other spring flowers.

If you can make it to the Netherlands, you can enjoy this beautiful natural show thanks to technology. Take a look at the pictures of the area and also enjoy the multiple videos taken with drones which capture the beauty of these fields from above. It won’t be like seeing it for real, but it will be pretty close to it.


Tedd D
Tedd D
Sports and staying active are Tedd’s life. He has been playing sports since he was five and ran Track and Field in college. There is nothing he enjoys more than watching Sunday Night Football with his friends. Just get him some chips and dip and he’s good to go.
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