Tedd D

144 posts



102 Year Old Woman Gets Arrested Because it was on Her Bucket List

You might think you’re cool, but you’re not “living on the edge of the law at age 102” cool. Edie Simms is what one would call a bad-ass grandma because she just got arrested. On purpose.

You Must Read About This Travel Agency

There is a travel agency that people have been raving about - the only catch, you don't know where you are going until the day of. The travel agency “Pack Up + Go” which is known to be a “surprise travel agency.” They explain on their site exactly how this process works.

Here Is the Best Place to Visit in Costa Rica

Costa Rica sounds like the perfect getaway, especially if you are looking for hot weather. With white sand beaches, clear water, fresh fish and fruit, Costa Rica is actually the ideal destination to relax and let go of all your worries.

This is the Biggest Wave You Have Ever Seen

A dangerous weather in Australia is causing rough surf conditions. Gilchrist has collected many incredible photos about it.

A Lost Roman City Has Been Discovered In France After a Thousand Years

Archeologists at the French National Institute for Preventive Archeological Research (INRAP) surprisingly uncovered an ancient site when asked to investigate a 43,000 square-foot area.  Some dormitories had to be built and so the researchers were asked to check the area before starting the construction. \

Why Do People All Over The World Believe In Stereotypes

According to google dictionary, a stereotype is “a widely held but fixed and simplified image or idea of a particular type of person or idea.”  But where do we get these images and ideas from? Clearly we didn’t just make them up in our mind. We learn certain stereotypes mostly from what we hear from our parents who heavily influence our beliefs and thoughts starting at a young age, and then also from the media. We listen to what others have to say and are willing to take some people’s words over others. Most people don’t intentionally stereotype others. We have an unconscious bias that settles everyone into categories in which they’re with people similar to them. Stereotyping is associated with much more than just race, but also genders. For example, women are more likely the ones to stay home and take care of their children rather than the men. Because of this, most people associate all women as naturally nurturing, downplaying the extent of what else they can do, such as things equivalent to men. It’s sad how pervasive the effect that stereotyping has on us, but it’s something we have developed naturally therefore not even realizing we’re doing it. It can be hard to stop using stereotypes if they are something that you have been using your whole life, or if they have been present among friends and family. Anyone who claims they do not use stereotypes is not being truthful. Stereotypes are natural for us to use and often times how we categorize people.

This Board Game Inspired Airbnb Will Change Your Life

Looking for a fun weekend adventure? Have a large group that you want to get out of town and have fun with? This megahome Airbnb, called “The Great Escape Lakeside”, can sleep up to 43 people.

On ‘Mean Girls Day’ Tina Fey Gave Away Free Cheese Fries

Because of the famous film scene, October 3 is known as "Mean Girls Day”. The scene "Mean Girls" is: "On October 3 asked me what day it was," said Cady Heron, the character of Lindsay Lohan, with a voice of applause Aaron Samuels. 

This Michelin Restaurant Is Every Wallet’s Dream At Just $1.50 Per Plate

Singapore is a bastion of good food. One of Singapore’s culinary trademarks is the Hawker Stall, little stalls assembled into food courts are scattered throughout the city. They’re all family-owned and operated (and usually have been for generations). They’re focused usually on a single dish which they reiterate to perfection, they’re cheap and they’re fast.

New Orleans In Your Kitchen

During Mardi Gras season, New Orleans is the place to be if you want to sample Creole and Cajun cuisine at its finest. During this time, many locals and tourists are pouring into the top culinary destinations in the city. While New Orleans is the best place to enjoy the Mardi Gras season, this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it just as much from the comfort of your own city or home.


Make the Most of Your Long Layover with These Cool Ideas

Long layovers don’t have to be a traveling nightmare. If you get creative enough, they can be an opportunity to enrich your trip and...

Best Rooftop Bars in New York City

No trip to the city that never sleeps is complete without breathing in its stunning skyline. What better to do this than partying the...

Unusual Travel Gadgets and Accessories You Might Need

There are all sorts of unusual travel gadgets and accessories out there that promise to make your travel easier. But most of them are...