Did You Know Where Is Madonna Favorite Vacation Destination


Sure, she is the queen of pop, even today still one step ahead of the newest trends, always raising the bar as it goes to performances. But even a hard working star like Madonna have to rest from time to time, and where is her favorite place, the is all about sensual and good vibes.

No one can take the libido out of Rio de Janeiro. With its endless beaches, unforgettable sunsets and non-stop rhythm the city is a heaven for sun lovers and anybody that like to see and be seen by others. If it is the Bosa Nova that tick your ear or the Samba clubs that will make you move your feet this is where you go to enjoy music and take part of it – of course, if you lucky to find a place during the famous annual Carnival celebration you will fall in love the happiness, colors and love all around you.

Well, not only the queen of pop, this sensual place is the preferred vacation spot for sensual stars such as Gerard Butler, Penelope Cruz and no other than the sexy Javier Bardem.


Fernando T
Fernando T
Fernando loves planning trips for his friends and family in his spare time. He hopes to one day backpack across Europe!
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