These Tips Will Help You Avoid Baggage Fee on Your Next Flight


One of the most dreadful things for travelers is baggage fees. They always seem like an unnecessary cost that robs you of the money you could use for something else. This is why, instead of paying up, you should avoid baggage fees on your next flight with the help of these tips.

Pick Out an Airline That Doesn’t Charge Baggage Fees

This is the simplest option. Research which airlines doesn’t charge baggage fees and see which one offers flights to your planned destination. Additionally, some airlines that charge baggage fees offer exceptions, so make sure to check the policies if you have to fly with a particular airline.  

Consider Getting an Airline Credit Card

Having an airline credit card can save you a lot of money on baggage fees, especially if you are a frequent flyer. A lot of airlines, especially major ones, don’t charge baggage fees to holders of their credit cards and might even extend it to their companions.

Join Frequent Flyers Programs

If you are flying often with one particular airline, join their frequent flyers program. Various airlines offer a bigger baggage allowance or waive fees for passengers who are members of such programs.

Pack Lightly

Finally, a sure-proof option is to pack lightly. Be stricter about clothes and items you need to bring, and research some packing options that will help you improve your packing skills.  


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